Carlie Langlois
Victoria's Pasta Shop
Ingrid Tank + Carlie Langlois
We approached the project by researching Victoria’s and its competitors, as well as looking at reviews and their websites.
Reason for advertising: To reposition Victoria’s towards college students and bring more students to Victoria’s because most eat fast food more than at sit down restaurants.
Target: Young college student who is away from home for (possibly) the first time ever with little to no knowledge in the kitchen and is missing their mom’s cooking.
Insight: Many people visit Victoria’s because it reminds them of home and/or gives them nostalgia about their time in college.
Promise: Our food reminds you of home, old memories and gives you the comfort of home without actually traveling there at all.
Media Choice Reasoning: College students on OU’s campus are more likely to interact with bus stops, local papers, and social media.
Tagline: When mom’s not around
Print Ads
Ads would be placed in OU's dorms, in the OU Daily, and at OU and Norman bus stops.
Invokes the voice of an Italian-American mother, and reminds of the comfort of a home cooked meal
Invokes the voice of an Italian-American mother, and reminds of the comfort of a home cooked meal
Tells sentimental story of first time college student who is reminiscing on their mom's cooking.
Consumers are challenged share their favorite homemade italian recipes from their mothers and submit them to Victoria’s.
At the end of the campaign Victoria’s makes behind-the-scenes videos where they put a "Victoria's twist" on the recipes and introduce the family the recipe is from, then turn these into a recipe book to honor moms of the community. They post these videos on Victoria's instagram. The submitters and mothers get a free book and Victoria’s sells the rest.
Post that introduces challenge.
Post that announces finished book.
Video post of behind-the-scenes and about family.
Ambient Ads
Spaghetti noodles take the place of the string lights that are usually hanging on Main Street in downtown Norman. Giant fork and meatball in the place of a street light right in front of Victoria’s. It creates visual interest and adds something new to the street. Since the fork and meatball are so tall, it would be able to be seen from far away, therefore attracting more attention, and possibly getting people to share it on their socials.
The bus stop is made to look like a traditional American Italian family home decorated with family pictures and a comfy couch instead of a normal bus stop bench. Victoria’s would be promoting the idea of welcoming people home. The news of the bus stop would be spread through people using the bus system and through word-of-mouth. It would be placed in or around Main Street in Downtown Norman, or on OU's bus stops.